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The key to a good pitch

In the next few slides, we'll walk you through the basic steps of developing a good pitch. This will give you a better understanding of what a pitch includes and how to get started.

At the end you will try it by yourself, so don't forget to take some notes!


  • A pitch should not be longer then an elevator ride, so about 2 minutes (that's why it's often called an elevator pitch).
  • Make sure you speak in a confident manner - even if you don't feel confident, act confident
  • Practice your pitch - your phone camera or friend will make a good audience
  • Research your influencee - try to relate your pitch to them or something they believe in
  • Be enthusiastic - let them see your passion
  • Show your personality - why are you different, let them remember you

The first step is - WHAT?

The first thing you need to know and mention is what precisely you are trying to achieve.

An example of WHAT?

Hi, my name is John and I work with IPPF. I believe that Reproductive Health Education (RHE) should be a part of the curriculum in all schools in our country.


Hi, my name is John and I work with IPPF. I believe that all young people should be able to make healthy choices about their sexuality and their future. Therefore, Reproductive Health Education (RHE) should be a part of the curriculum in all schools in our country.

The next step is -  WHY?

After you've established what you want to achieve, it is important to mention why you want to achieve this. Why is it important? Why does it link to your long-term or ultimate goal?

An example of - WHY?

Currently there is insufficient education on sexual and reproductive health and rights for young people in our country. This increases the sexual health risks that young people face. A lack of information on sexual and reproductive health and rights leads to for example unplanned pregnancies, school dropouts and poor health.

After WHY comes HOW?

Now that they know what you want to achieve and why, it is important to include how you are planning to do this. How will you get to your ultimate goals? Share what you think is the right solution to the problem.

How is it relevant to this person - how can this person help or contribute?

An example of How?

Politicians need to speak out in support of Reproductive Health Education (RHE) in schools as this will lead to healthier young people and communities for the future. This will improve health and education indicators for our whole country.

You can support me by inviting me to the next meeting. Here is some more information (if you for example have a 2-pager on the topic) and my business card. I hope we can make time to discuss this further. It would be great if I can get your contact details so we can stay in touch.

Last but not least

Important things to keep in mind

  • Remember this is the first impression you are making so be sure to speak clearly and slowly and let your passion shine through.
  • You know your idea inside out, but this might be the first time this person is going to hear about it. Make sure your message is easy to understand.
  • Make sure you are knowledgeable on the subject.
  • Try to adjust your way of speaking to who is in front of you.
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